About Me

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I am happily married and have two very rough and tumble boys. I have ideals of self sufficiency and low impact. My favourite passtime is growing veggies, reading books on all kinds of topics, finding out about how things impact earth and your body.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm so excited - I can hardly contain myself!

I love a bargain! who doesn't? I also love second hand treasures and I love op shops and tip shops. In my house my entire family wears second hand - the only time we get new is jox and sox and birthday presents! phew I hear you say!

Recently my hubby has been on at me to get a bike. - The kids have bikes, hubby has a bike and he says "A family that rides together-stays together" I think he stole that saying coz I have heard it somewhere before!
Well a last Friday guess where we went? and guess what I got? How clever you are! of course it was the tip shop and yep, got myself a bike.

The local tip shop - AKA Dakabin Treasure Market is only open Fri - Sun and Friday is so packed but you have to go coz that is when they have the most stuff! Over the years I have found hundreds of bargains. Most are for me to onsell via eBay where I have made a small fortune! One day I may share some with you but for now I don't want to get away from sharing my latest bargain.

My lastest treasure is of course my bike. Now as you can guess as it was one mans (or ladies) trash it is slightly used! but you know I treasure it coz now I can go riding with my 3 beautiful boys!

Let me recall how much we paid for each of our bikes. Monty's bike (the smallest one) is a hand me down from Adam and I cannot remember how much but lets say $100. Adam's bike was $35 from - you guessed again! the tip shop. Aaron's bike was $NIL$ (the best kind) from Freecycle (another of my favourite sites!), and mine was a grand total of $10. We have paid more for the bike rack than any of them!
Now for the test run.....

The helmet was $4 by the way!

Wow, my knees hurt and I don't do hills :(
Till I recover...
Bye for now

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