About Me

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I am happily married and have two very rough and tumble boys. I have ideals of self sufficiency and low impact. My favourite passtime is growing veggies, reading books on all kinds of topics, finding out about how things impact earth and your body.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I am tickled pink!

Met a lovely lady yesterday who graciously gave us her 14 muscovy ducks! and after a while of chatting about cooking/preserving etc she so kindly said I was an inspiration! I have been called that a few times in the past year and let me tell you - although compliments are at times embarassingly hard to swallow - I was tickled pink!

I am far from being self-sufficent and I am still very reliant on (and I mumble this) Woolies for some staples, but if I can be an inspiration to someone I have just met then I must be doing something right!

So thank you Mrs ST  and husband D -  I hope we can help each other bump along this road to sustainability together over the next little while.

Some of the new muscovys from Mrs ST

Some of the new ones with a couple of the muscovy's we already had

Some of our original muscovy ducks (out and about while the rain has stopped) Note the pineapple in the pic!

Just a catch up - since I last blogged about my life here..... I have

Received a dehydrator off freecycle and made my own beef jerky and a miriad of other vegies have been dehydrated and stored away.

Tried yoghurt without a yoghurt maker (found recipe in Donna Hay's magazine from a few years ago). It turned out just fine but have recently purchased a second hand yoghurt maker so will have a turn and see how that goes too.

I still make my own additive free icecream and occasionally bread. About to investigate getting a hand grinder to grind my own grain!

Still making my own stock or soups from bones left over from roasts or ham

Today I am makin bacon! he he - seriously tho - using a piece of pork belly to cure bacon with recipe I found in this wonderful book called Frugavore by Arabella Forge. Fingers crossed it is delicious and I can have nitrite free bacon!

I really want to try this lacto-fermentation - so if anyone has tried this and has had some success, please feel free to share secrets.

Anything else I should try? let me know what works for you.

Till next time